Online Catalogue


The bibliographic material consists of approximately 10,000 volumes, including ancient and valuable ones, brochures, periodicals, CD ROMs, DVDs. 

In addition to archival, paleographic and diplomatic publications, there are legislative collections, general reference works such as encyclopedias and repertoires, history and local history publications. 

In recent years, the increase in the bibliographic heritage has occurred above all thanks to gifts and the so-called “obligatory copies”, delivered by scholars who made use of the Archive’s documentation for their research. 

Although intended primarily for internal staff, the library of the Archivio di Stato is open to consultation by users of the study room. 

It is possible to have access to read two years of periodicals or three monographic works at a time. It is possible to read only one piece at a time of rare and valuable material: to facilitate consultation and to guarantee the conservation of these publications, the Reproduction Service is digitizing them, allowing consultation in electronic format. 

It is possible to reproduce at your own expense, for personal and study use, in compliance with current legislation on copyright, works owned by the library, provided that the state of conservation allows it. 

On line Catalogue

The online catalog of the works preserved at the institute can also be consulted. Click here.


Last update

8 August 2024, 09:03