

The Archivio di Stato di Benevento, as an institute and place of culture, in collecting, inventorying, conserving and making available original documents of historical interest, aims to achieve the objectives of protecting and valorising the historical heritage as outlined within the Cultural Heritage Code.  

The fundamental task of the State Archive is the conservation of the state documentation of the territory: the archives of the pre-unification states, of the peripheral offices of the State relating to affairs completed for over thirty years; the notarial archives prior to the last hundred years; those of the suppressed monasteries and all the archives and individual documents, including private ones, that have been donated or deposited in the State Archives.   

In addition to conservation, the Institute ensures the use of documents through study, reorganization, inventory and the creation of research tools.   

The completion of these tasks allows us to offer users a search service among the preserved collections, oriented both by the assistance of archivists and by multiple digital media.  

Finally, in addition to conservation and use, an important objective to be achieved concerns the promotion of knowledge, so that all users are informed about the historical-documentary wealth preserved in these places. 

Last update

10 July 2024, 11:23