Archival Collection

Archival Collection

The main archival collection today preserved in the Archivio di Stato di Benevento are made up of the collection of parchments, mainly composed of specimens reused by notaries as covers of their notarial protocols, including fragments of liturgical codes in Beneventan minuscule from the XI-XII century, from the notarial documentation (1401-1914), by the archival collection of the Court, of the Coars, of the Police Headquarters and the Command of the Military District of Benevento, by the registers of the Civil Status, by the Real estate registry – the two real estate registry implanted in the first decades of the century XIX, the provisional cadastre and the Gregorian cadastre, a part of the urban cadastre and the new land cadastre – from the State-owned act and from the archive of the religious corporations suppressed in the French decade.


To these archives are added the private funds of the Pedicini and Bartoli families together with the photographic archive of Luigi Intorcia, acquired by donation from the Archivio di Stato di Benevento together with the studio equipment and photographic equipment. It is a precious collection made up of documents, slides, films and photographic images created in about a century of activity, starting from the last years of the nineteenth century in Benevento and a large part of its province.

For a complete consultation of the funds, please refer to the SIAS website.


Last update

9 July 2024, 14:19